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Welcome to Fulkuri Islamic Academy
ফুলকুঁড়ি ইসলামিক একাডেমীতে স্বাগতম
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ফুলকুঁড়ি ইসলামিক একাডেমী , চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জ
Notice for vacation of Eid-Ul-Azha[7-9-2016]
সুখবর! আরিফ শাহরিয়ার কর্তৃক তৈরী হলো উইকিপিয়ায় ফুলকুঁড়ির পাতা
গ্রীস্মকালীন ছুটির নোটিশ [১২-০৫-২০১৬]
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Why choose Fulkuri Islamic Academy?
See the specialities of Fulkuri Islamic Academy
*Double Section*
Here you can get both Primary & High Section including Play Section.That means a student can read Play to class ten in Fulkury Islamic Academy.
Primary and High
*Science Lab*
There is a science lab in school for students so they can esially anderstand science by practical experiment.
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*Computer Lab*
In computer Lab Students are able to learn computer.
*Projector Class*
By Projector students can esially learn hard points of study.
BENQ Projector
From August 2015 studends of class 6 to class 10 will able to participate in Debet Competition in every year.Organized by Swapno Debeting Club.
*Education Travel*
Students can go to education travel and ralley in FIA.
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*Boy Scout*
Fulkuri gives scout achievment from class 6 to 10.Students can take part in scout and can do their duty of doing good work.
Boy scout
If you are not Joined FIA yet, So why you are waiting for? Come and Join FIA Now!
Website proudly created and designed by:
MD Arif Shahriar Sowrov
Arif Shahriar
MD Arif Shahriar Sowrov